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Approximately how many hours did it take you to finish the tutorial?
Please rate the following aspects of the Tutorial on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is "awful," 5 is "average," and 10 is "outstanding." A response of 0 is treated as "no response."
Is there a particular section of this tutorial which you feel needs improvement? (Select all that apply.)
Introduction Chapter 7: Forms: SELECT Requirements Chapter 8: Forms Cleanup Chapter 1: Latin-1 Character Entities Conclusion Chapter 2: Even More Style Tags Appendix A: Tag Summary Chapter 3: Even More Header Elements Appendix B: An Example Form Chapter 4: Forms Theory Appendix C: References Chapter 5: Forms: INPUT, Part I Index Chapter 6: Forms: INPUT, Part II Glossary
Please comment briefly on what you feel could be improved in the sections you checked.
What did you feel was the strongest aspect of the tutorial?
What did you feel was the weakest aspect of the tutorial?
Any other comments?
Table of Contents