Photoshop Tip #14 - Adding B&W to a color photo
for emphasis
Start with any color photograph. Wedding pictures are great for this tip.
Duplicate the image and convert it to grayscale (MODE/GRAYSCALE/OK).
Select all (CTRL+A) and copy (CTRL+C). Go back to the color photograph and EDIT/PASTE
LAYER. This will add the grayscale image on the 1st layer.
On the grayscale layer, use your eraser tool
and erase all the parts where you want the color to shine through. Make sure you adjust
you brush size and be careful around the edges. To be more precise, hit your "Caps
Lock" key, this changes the cursor to a cross-hair.
To add even more blue to the eyes, select the background (color) layer.
Now draw a selection around the eyes. Now, IMAGE/ADJUST/HUE & SATURATION and move the
hue to -145. To darken the pupils, select them and IMAGE/ADJUST/LEVELS and move the black
slider to 50. Adjust these settings for the color desired. Don't worry, only the eye part
will shine through.