Forms are widely used so people visiting a page can send
information to someone by simply answering a few questions.
Whether it's to recieve information from the user, or to be able
to access certian parts of your pages, forms can be invaluable.
If you tried but it was not work right, please try to change these
tag &It to the symbol "<"
instead of. Then do the same with each tutorials so.
First we'll start with the basic
forms tags. They are <form> </form>. Pretty,
easy, huh? Now tell the form what to do.
There are two different methods: POST
and GET. GET is used to retrieve information from the site.
For example:
<form method=GET
<input type="submit" value="Click Here To
Reload This Page">
</form> would result in
POST will work for almost
everything you would ever need. The action is what tells
the form what to do. If you wanted the form to be mailed to
someone, you could use the first example. But you may not like
what you get back. Usually, it looks like this:
Obviously, this is hard to read. So
you can try adding ENCTYPE="TEXT/PLAIN" to the
tag to take it away if you have a newer browser. The best way to
accomplish this is to use CGI
Scripts to filter out the garbage and mail you the response.
After the first form tag, you can
have any of the following...
Text Box <input
type="text" name="first name" size=20>
This allows the user to
physically type something in. In this case, it's their first
name. The size tells the browser how big the box should be.
The name can be anything you want. It just defines in the
response the answer. (Ex. name="first name" would
return first name=Answer)
= <input
type="text" size=30>
This is not seen by the user,
but is sent to the owner with whatever="whatever" in
the response. There's no need for size. Some CGI scripts
require this, but more on that later.
Radio Buttons <input
type="radio" name="whatever"
This will give you a little
round button to click to make a choice. These are good when
you are giving them options, like Yes and No. But it also
limits them to one or the other. To stop this, just insert the
word "multiple" into the line.
Example = <input
type="radio"> Example
Instead of giving you a round
button, this gives you a square. The boxes are nice if you
want to allow alot of choices. The radio buttons are nice if
you want to limit them to one choice.
= < input
Allows someone to enter text,
but instead od displaying the input, it displays ******* where
the letters would go.
= <input
type="password" size=30>
Text Areas <textarea
name="textarea" rows=3 cols=40>
This gives the user a textarea
in which to answer questions that require answers longer than
a couple of words. You can also add the line
wrap="virtual" to take away the bottom scroll
<textarea rows=3 cols=40></textarea>
Drop Down Lists
This comes in handy if you want
them to see a list of choices, but you don't want to use the
radio or checkbox's. You can set the select option up very
easily. For example:
It's very simple to use. You
van change the size to allow as many choices as you would like
to have seen. I used 1 here, but you can have as many or as
few as you like. And if you want to allow more than one
selection, just insert multipe after select.
type="submit" value="Submit!">
This is the button the users
will click on to send the form in whatever way you have set
up. You can change the value to whatever you like.
type="reset" value="Clear This Form">
Does exactly what it says - it
resets the form. Maybe they filled it out and didn't like what
they put. Or maybe they decided it's a waste of time. Whatever
the case, they can click on the "Clear This Form"
button, and everything is gone. Again, the v alue=""
can be whatever you want the button to say.
Now that you know the commands,
let's see one in action. You can also view the code for the form
by viewing the source here.
Well, here it goes. Please fill in the following:
How did you find my page?
a friend
a link from
another page
search engine
have no clue!
How would you rate my page?
What other pages of mine have
you visited?
The main page
Comics page
Guitar page
Cartoons page
None - I
haven't been anywhere
Now, tell me what you think of
this page. (Please be kind!)
Hopefully, this answers any
questions you may have about forms. Except, how do you make it
with all the nice output? When I do it, I get a bunch of crap.
What am I doing wrong?
The answer is: nothing. It's not your fault. That's just the way
the mail program sees it. If you would like the nice output like
mine, travel on to the CGI section of this site, or ask your local
sysadmin where they store theirs and if you can access it.