เชิญพิสูจย์ความสามารถของ Flash Media!
ตัวอย่างการประยุกค์ใช้ โปรแกรม Micromedia Flash บนเว็ปไซร์!
Macromedia Flash is the solution for producing high-impact, vector-based Web sites. Flash has
attracted an army of graphic artists and Web developers who create dazzling animations and
interfaces for the Web, adding sound, motion, and interactivity to engage Web viewers with the
kind of experience that builds brand loyalty for publishers and culture for Web sites. For excellent
examples of Flash Web sites, see http://www.macromediademos.com.
Flash is a technology explicitly designed for delivering Web-efficient content to everyone. Flash
animations are small, fast, and color-safe for the Web. Flash smooths artwork and resizes graphics
and animations to fit the viewers screen, providing full-screen viewing experiences for all browsers.
Flash sites are viewable on a variety of platforms, including Macintosh, Windows, Linux, Solaris,
IRIX, and even Web-enabled appliances, including WebTV. All receive the same high-quality
viewing experience without design compromise or the need to create alternative site views
The Web serves the needs of many publishers and many viewers. Major corporations are moving
their businesses online and seek ways to distinguish themselves from their competition. These
site publishers have two goals: to provide a "sticky" experience to keep viewers on their sites
longer and to provide engaging, fun content to encourage return traffic. Consumers use the
Web to gather information, purchase products, and collaborate with their peers while enjoying
entertaining experiences. These viewers consistently return to sites that offer better content,
including sound, motion, and interactivity.
From Citibank.com to Disney.com, Flash is the solution for high-quality Web site designs that
effectively convey company brands while providing enjoyable interaction.
Feb 31, 2000 last update!
All Artwork & Design ฉ 1997-1999 Krit Spooker |