There are two types of image maps, server-side and client-side.
Server-side image maps are where your HTML calls for a map file in your directory on the server and then calls for a mapping program on the server that knows how to split up the image into coordinates found in the map file.
Client-side image maps are much faster because everything needed is embedded into the html. You don't need to access the server for anything. There is only one drawback, only Netscape 2.0+ and Internet Explorer 3.0 can read client-side image maps.
To create an image map, you will first need to create the image that you will be using. Next, you will need a program that will divide your image into sections and save those coordinates to a map file. There are many out there, I use Map This, but you can use anything that creates a map file. Others are Web Image, Map Edit, or MapMaker.
Once you have used a program to create the image map, save the file. Now you need to decide whether you want to have a server-side or client-side image map. If you want speed, go with client-side. If you want everyone on the web to use your image map, use a server-side.
To do a server-side image map on your homepage:
To do a client-side image map on your homepage:
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" HREF="" COORDS="0,0,111,90">
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" HREF="mystuff.html" COORDS="149,277,300,422">
<IMG border=0 SRC="images/clients.gif" USEMAP="#CLIENTS">
The green type is what you have to type in. The white type depends on your information.
Note: When you make a client-side image map, it is a good idea to have your links in a text form somewhere on the page so that if someone using AOL for example can still get to your links.
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